"It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us, as we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others" Nelson Mandela

Dear Friends

Welcome to my blog. I just want to share with the world things I have discovered in my life. They say that people who seek find and I believe I have found many answers to my questions in books, friends, words of encouragement, jobs, family and pretty much in all aspects of life. The point is to pay attention and try to "be" the experience of life with out judgement. All of this may sound crazy but here I hope to show a little bit of what I've learned and hopefully help you on your way to realizing how amazing you truly are.

With much Love.

Lady Light.

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Dec 2, 2011

New Blog

Here is a link to my new blog I've transfered all the files and you can read them there too if you want!


Much Love and light!!


Apr 26, 2011

How to Love.

As I was walking around today I found a book by Osho on how to love. Interestingly enough I almost bought it because guess for a second there, I thought I needed help in that arena. Recently divorced and with many changes going on in my life maybe a part of me need to be assured that I know how to love and somehow that book was going to show me the way.  All of a sudden an awareness came over me and I thought to myself how can a book show me how to love? how can anyone tell me what I should do to love don't I have enough people in my life who show me their love every day and who I appreciate? Love is not something that can be achieved by reading a book by an enlightened teacher it is something that must be nourished, cherished and felt by the heart. One of the reason why I choose to leave was exactly that, once the love has been starved of it's nourishment (for me being respect, appreciation and trust) it is very hard to bring it back to life one has to commit all of the energies available to them to revive the spark that once united two souls.  Love is a gift from God for us to enjoy and co-create life with joy in the short time we are on this planet it is to be taken seriously and delicately, in my opinion.
Most years I make a long list of "to do things" as soon as a new year starts, but this year my "to do" list is short, it states:  "Follow your heart" where ever it may lead.  Slowly I am learning to follow and listen to it's beating, because I know that my heart knows where I should go, even though my mind questions every single step I take, I have learned mostly to ignore the fears of my thoughts.  Time will tell how things unfold but one thing I know for certain is that I know how to love.

Sep 3, 2010

Be not afraid.

Fear should never play a part in decision making for it will leave us stagnant and will bring more fearful feelings to us. Love is where we need to be always, realizing that in that state of bliss is the knowingness of health, beauty and happiness which our true state of being. 
We must make decisions based on love and most importantly based on self love, it is so important that we forget about making decisions based on pity for others for they too must realize that they must love themselves. One way that we can change the world and bring about peace on earth is by loving ourselves and not allowing negativity into our thoughts, bodies and souls. I highly recommend turning off the tv, radio and any other means of mass population brain washing which has made it’s way into our homes, which should be our most sacred space. I too watch some programs for the most part is 1hr a day, muting the commercials. 
There is much work to be done in these next few years where people will start to awaken and realize what we came here to do, for those who don’t realize we must respect their path but we should not stop ours, if you feel the urge to change your career, to read a certain book, to start your path as a spiritual aware person, you must follow  your intuition and trust your heart. 
Much love and light! 

Jul 12, 2010

I am the Creator that Dreams

I found this poem and wanted to share it with all of you!! with Love!! 

I am the Creator that Dreams
by Mystery School Initiate, Ember Flower
I am the Creator that dreams
I am the Creation
I am the atom, the molecule and the space in between
I am the trees and the forest, the wind and the air
The stars and the twinkle
I dance the cosmic dance , I am the dance
I am you and you are me
There is no separation only oneness
I am thought I am matter
I am love and I am joy
I am sadness and sorrow
I am he and I am she, and I am it
I am the flower and the stone
I am the heartbeat and the rain
The sorrow and the pain
The moon and the stars
I am all and all is me
Life is my thought and my dream
I am all there is and all there is, is me
I am now and becoming
Forever unfolding in the mist of time.
I dream and so it is
You are child of light, I am the Flame of Life
No separation exists, only union
The child lives within the flame
Feel my presence, feel my magic
All is magic, all is life, my beloved flower
Allow the joy and love to flow through you
And out there.
As you touch the word know that it is my hand and my voice
As the world touches you, know that it is I
Feel the exchange folding back into itself
As I touch your mind know that you are transformed
Never to be the same again
Transformed from darkness to light
From sleeping to wakefulness,
And so the world awakes, one cell at a time
One cell in happy awareness of union with the divine
Your time has come daughter of Light arise in your wakefulness and help to create paradise, in love and joy
Be a conscious participant Live in the now.
Not tomorrow or yesterday but in the only time that is real, eternity.

Life Journey

Life is so precious. After reading the Anastasia books I feel like something inside me changed. I think what changed was my awareness of my own beauty. I am talking about my inner beauty not physically but the light that is within. I see now is so many ways how blessed I am to be part of this universe and I am lucky to have found that I can co-create with my creator. I talk to God now more than I ever did before, coming from a religious catholic background I didn't know I could go outside of my our father's and hail mary's but now I talk to him and ask him for guidance in everything.  I have started my own space of Love in my back garden and I have a few plants on their way, I hope to cover them up in the winter and hopefully they will survive until next year, if not I will replant. I really  makes me happy to plant and see them grow.
I try not to watch tv or read the news now a days I feel like I am helping the world by doing this as there is so many things that we can feel negative about that it's just not worth it, opening yourself to the true beauty of the universe where you just feel like anything is possible and there is nothing to fear!
Even though many people are not in the same place/wavelength as I am in I try to see their beauty as well and remind them (even in silence) that they are also amazing co-creators.  Life is full of surprises and I am thankful for all the surprises I received. If anything those negative ones will always bring clarity to the situation and help you make decision based on your new found knowledge.

I think the point of it all is to have a strong mind by this I mean not to allow your mind to take you down to the gutter of negative thinking or day dreaming negative events or situations it's about you gaining control of where your thoughts go and meditation helps us train our mind and become aware of our emotional state. My life journey is taking me down a different path and even though right now I am not sure where that path may lead, I am going confidently in the direction of my feelings. Recently I took a Reiki class where the teacher atunes you to practice reiki and I feel like this is a good start. As soon as I get my life situated with a job and car I will have more freedom of mobility to start taking yoga classes and possibly taking more classes that where I find JOY.
Life is about finding your joy, being grateful for this journey and graciously living in happy harmony with nature that is all our father wants us to be - happy- The rest is an illusion that the mind has created to keep us occupied.

Let's all try to start our days by giving thanks and change our frame of mind to Grace.

Much Love and Light.

May 2, 2010

Visiting Dolmens in Belgium - Weris

Hi Beautiful People,

I wanted to share an amazing experience that I had while visiting the Dolmens in Weris, Belgium.  I was returning to the Dolmens to say goodbye because we are moving back to the US soon and I just wanted to thank them for their sacrifice and to tell them the good news! The world is awakening to it's beautiful true self and these Dolmen spirits will be fulfilling their dreams soon by helping all the people in the world.
While I was visiting the second dolmen I saw a couple of ladies and I got talking to them, they were both of German decent and they explained to me what they believed was a Dolmen which was very close to what Anastasia tells us about the Dolmens in her books.
Shortly after chatting with them for a while, they asked me if I wanted to participate in their ceremony they said that the first of May was a very important day and that there was a ceremony in the Dolmens the day before but that the energy was still there the day after so they wanted to do a type of sweat lodge like the American Indians did and that they had blankets and things to keep us warm.
I said I would really like to do the Ceremony with them as they seemed to be very in tune with what I am interested in and I also thought it would be a great experience.  
The ceremony was to last an hour but it ended up lasting two hours one of the ladies name was Henni and she was the one who led the ceremony and called all the spirits to help us be protected I believe she called a total of 20 spirits such as ancestors, nature, water, wind, fire and many others spirits of light.  We went inside the Dolmen to meditate and she had brought with her all the things that they would put in the altar - including candy, water, fire, incense and other objects that they have there for protection. She burned Sage to purify the air before starting the ceremony.  Oh! She forgot to bring water but I had some with me so I completed the Elements that were needed.
I felt a lot of energy during the ceremony and I was mostly cold and after the ceremony Henni also told me that she was cold and we were both wrapped up with blankets, the third lady was Yvonne she didn't have a blanket, however after the ceremony she told us how she felt really hot,  she was the one who had the most emotional effect during the ceremony she burst into tears and I believe she a very needed cleansing and she felt that she needed to leave all the negativity there, she felt an urge to come out of Dolmen so she could shed all of that energy and leave it there. While she did that I thought about the effects this negative energy could have on me and I immediately called on my angels for protection. I had bought a book by Doreen Virtue the day before and it explained how to protect yourself from other people's energy. So I used the knowledge I had learned and make sure that me and Henni where protected while Yvonne exited the Dolmen and left her negative energy there.

This was a first for me and I also left some negative energy there and I feel a sense of clarity afterwards.  At the end of the ceremony I felt that most of the energy Henni had called upon to help us (She named 20 different energies in the process) and guide us had left, after she thanked them, I could also feel the energy leaving the Dolmen.

Apr 21, 2010

The Spontaneous Healing Power of Belief by Greg Braden

Hi all,

Just finished reading this great book! I wanted to share a few comments on what the book is about - the name says it all but this book expands on how beliefs sometimes hold us hostage to our past.  We have been conditioned since childhood to take what others have told us as true, we end up having the same psychological patterns and sometimes even repeat the very same things that we try to avoid! The book is a great tool to help us separate or understand that there are many hidden beliefs in our unconscious mind that we must change and there are some helpful exercises that can give you a little glimpse into your own unconscious beliefs.  If we don't make our unconscious beliefs conscious then we will be living in a state of hypnosis and continue patterns that are not our own and not living up to our true potential.

The book also touches on our realities and how we relate to them, this book empowers us to start creating our realities with positive beliefs, we need to relate to life and the universe in a positive way so that we can change the way things are, we don't have to stay in a negative environment, relationship, friendship etc, etc, we can actually call positive things into our realities if we learn to change our beliefs!

Something very interesting was also touched in the book and that is prayer! Such an important part of many  people's lives, most of us have been taught to pray as if we are looking for help, with a sense of "I don't have this or that or I want this or that..."  instead Greg Braden explains that we need to start putting our feeling or emotion into our prayer as if we already have the desired outcome... pray with a sense of having already receive the miracle that we are praying for! That is what is the most important thing to attract positive things or outcomes into your life we must put our feeling of having those things/outcomes so that the universe/source/God  or ourselves creates it in our reality.   Everything comes from within so by changing our belief systems from one of lack and poor me  to  feeling joy now and walking around with love for life and the universe!!! Also Pray with Gratitude giving thanks for all the things that you already have!

Now try seeing things in a positive light and check out the book from your local library!!!

Much Love and Light!