"It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us, as we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others" Nelson Mandela

Dear Friends

Welcome to my blog. I just want to share with the world things I have discovered in my life. They say that people who seek find and I believe I have found many answers to my questions in books, friends, words of encouragement, jobs, family and pretty much in all aspects of life. The point is to pay attention and try to "be" the experience of life with out judgement. All of this may sound crazy but here I hope to show a little bit of what I've learned and hopefully help you on your way to realizing how amazing you truly are.

With much Love.

Lady Light.

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Dec 2, 2011

New Blog

Here is a link to my new blog I've transfered all the files and you can read them there too if you want!


Much Love and light!!


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