"It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us, as we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others" Nelson Mandela

Dear Friends

Welcome to my blog. I just want to share with the world things I have discovered in my life. They say that people who seek find and I believe I have found many answers to my questions in books, friends, words of encouragement, jobs, family and pretty much in all aspects of life. The point is to pay attention and try to "be" the experience of life with out judgement. All of this may sound crazy but here I hope to show a little bit of what I've learned and hopefully help you on your way to realizing how amazing you truly are.

With much Love.

Lady Light.

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Apr 21, 2010

The Spontaneous Healing Power of Belief by Greg Braden

Hi all,

Just finished reading this great book! I wanted to share a few comments on what the book is about - the name says it all but this book expands on how beliefs sometimes hold us hostage to our past.  We have been conditioned since childhood to take what others have told us as true, we end up having the same psychological patterns and sometimes even repeat the very same things that we try to avoid! The book is a great tool to help us separate or understand that there are many hidden beliefs in our unconscious mind that we must change and there are some helpful exercises that can give you a little glimpse into your own unconscious beliefs.  If we don't make our unconscious beliefs conscious then we will be living in a state of hypnosis and continue patterns that are not our own and not living up to our true potential.

The book also touches on our realities and how we relate to them, this book empowers us to start creating our realities with positive beliefs, we need to relate to life and the universe in a positive way so that we can change the way things are, we don't have to stay in a negative environment, relationship, friendship etc, etc, we can actually call positive things into our realities if we learn to change our beliefs!

Something very interesting was also touched in the book and that is prayer! Such an important part of many  people's lives, most of us have been taught to pray as if we are looking for help, with a sense of "I don't have this or that or I want this or that..."  instead Greg Braden explains that we need to start putting our feeling or emotion into our prayer as if we already have the desired outcome... pray with a sense of having already receive the miracle that we are praying for! That is what is the most important thing to attract positive things or outcomes into your life we must put our feeling of having those things/outcomes so that the universe/source/God  or ourselves creates it in our reality.   Everything comes from within so by changing our belief systems from one of lack and poor me  to  feeling joy now and walking around with love for life and the universe!!! Also Pray with Gratitude giving thanks for all the things that you already have!

Now try seeing things in a positive light and check out the book from your local library!!!

Much Love and Light!

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