"It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us, as we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others" Nelson Mandela

Dear Friends

Welcome to my blog. I just want to share with the world things I have discovered in my life. They say that people who seek find and I believe I have found many answers to my questions in books, friends, words of encouragement, jobs, family and pretty much in all aspects of life. The point is to pay attention and try to "be" the experience of life with out judgement. All of this may sound crazy but here I hope to show a little bit of what I've learned and hopefully help you on your way to realizing how amazing you truly are.

With much Love.

Lady Light.

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Jul 12, 2010

I am the Creator that Dreams

I found this poem and wanted to share it with all of you!! with Love!! 

I am the Creator that Dreams
by Mystery School Initiate, Ember Flower
I am the Creator that dreams
I am the Creation
I am the atom, the molecule and the space in between
I am the trees and the forest, the wind and the air
The stars and the twinkle
I dance the cosmic dance , I am the dance
I am you and you are me
There is no separation only oneness
I am thought I am matter
I am love and I am joy
I am sadness and sorrow
I am he and I am she, and I am it
I am the flower and the stone
I am the heartbeat and the rain
The sorrow and the pain
The moon and the stars
I am all and all is me
Life is my thought and my dream
I am all there is and all there is, is me
I am now and becoming
Forever unfolding in the mist of time.
I dream and so it is
You are child of light, I am the Flame of Life
No separation exists, only union
The child lives within the flame
Feel my presence, feel my magic
All is magic, all is life, my beloved flower
Allow the joy and love to flow through you
And out there.
As you touch the word know that it is my hand and my voice
As the world touches you, know that it is I
Feel the exchange folding back into itself
As I touch your mind know that you are transformed
Never to be the same again
Transformed from darkness to light
From sleeping to wakefulness,
And so the world awakes, one cell at a time
One cell in happy awareness of union with the divine
Your time has come daughter of Light arise in your wakefulness and help to create paradise, in love and joy
Be a conscious participant Live in the now.
Not tomorrow or yesterday but in the only time that is real, eternity.

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