"It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us, as we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others" Nelson Mandela

Dear Friends

Welcome to my blog. I just want to share with the world things I have discovered in my life. They say that people who seek find and I believe I have found many answers to my questions in books, friends, words of encouragement, jobs, family and pretty much in all aspects of life. The point is to pay attention and try to "be" the experience of life with out judgement. All of this may sound crazy but here I hope to show a little bit of what I've learned and hopefully help you on your way to realizing how amazing you truly are.

With much Love.

Lady Light.

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Mar 22, 2010

Ringing Cedars Book 2 by Vladimir Megre

Dear Friends,

It is hard to stop and jot down notes while reading these books because one gets so involved in them that it's hard to put them down. Book two to me opens many doors and possibilities for our world. Anastasia not only explains to us how to communicate directly with God but she also says that he wants to communicate with us too. Doesn't that make you feel wonderful? To know that your father wants to speak with you and tell you how much he loves you and wants you to be happy. The key here is locked inside our own souls, we have been given the ultimate freedom, the freedom to choose and we must make a conscious choice to communicate with him.
Anastasia also tells us that we have the power to change our lives we need to put our very best efforts into visualizing a new world since we are the ones that will bring about a new earth into reality through our own thinking.  She says we can call upon thoughts are are "pure, clear moments in life, positive emotion, like guardian angels will over come pain and disease.... create at once something that will make them appear"  She gives the power back to us, she tells us that we can change our own life by changing our thinking and making it pure.
This book also helps us understand that we are all connected and that the universe is inside each one of us, we just need to look and seek the truths inside ourselves. She talks about plants with so much love, she tells us that they are trying to do all they can to help us wake up from our stupor and that they will create our space of love as long as we start paying close attention to them and planting our gardens with love. That is such a powerful message and exciting at the same time since we have all the tools that it takes to change and to bring about this beautiful dream that she created for the earth to live in happy co-creation with us and God. Can you feel that part of you that wakes up as you read these books? Can you feel the excitement in your soul?
I am also very interested in reading the books she mentions in these book 2 such as the Avatamsaka Sutra (The flower Garden Sutra) as she says that there are clues there..... she talks about finding answers and that the answers are in the "Union of opposites" these book is supposed to help us get closer to God and understand and help humanity, so I will pick up the book later and study it and see if we can figure out what God means and what is hidden in that book. If anyone has read it please let us know what you found.
Anastasia goes to explain that the tools given to us by God are "Thought and word"  those are the instruments of the Grand Creator. These instruments are the ones we need to use to help the forces of light and trying to achieve purity of thought comes with achieving also purity of the word, they go hand in hand you see, I have been putting this into practice and it does make you feel more at peace when you don't let any negative thought or emotion into your head - but they keep coming back, out of habit more that anything I assume but the point is not to dwell on that, but to keep trying to clean up your vocabulary and your thinking slowly and praying for help and strength so that it can be achieved. These change will help the light inside you shine brighter.  The alignment between the word and the soul is very important and we can achieve this alignment by being conscious of what we say and what we think about "Forgetfulness of our derivation is the cause of our modern devastation"  So let's keep trying to align ourselves with light.
The book also mentions truth as an important part of change, she says that "Knowledge of truth consists no on proclaiming it but in living it - And what way of living it is characteristic of those who know the truth? "A happy one, but to know the truth one must have conscious awareness and purity of thought"
Isn't that amazing? If you think about that for one minute, think about all the energy that is wasted proclaiming truths!! All we have to do is live it and not fight the many millions of people who are going against the universal truth which for me is Love and for other maybe other things.... either way, there may be many truths as long as they are filled with happy feelings and are used for good everyone can just live their truth and be happy! Yes, it is that easy!
Imagine if we all lived happily? wouldn't this go hand in hand with everything else that is said in these books about changing the world? is this not the most important message?
"The clarity, harmoniousness, pace of thinking and mental purity of Man as a creator is what determines the future"  So let's, Let's create a future of no wars, lets create a future of no greed, no darkness, no poverty, there is no need for suffering we can create a beautiful blossoming garden of Love, understanding, respect, freedom, happy children and happy parents. That is the point and the task of our existence.
There is so much more to share from this book so many messages and these messages are filled with so much energy that leaves you empowered.  "A breathtaking dawn of a new day is something to be admired"  So let's all take this message into our hands and do something worthy of the dream that Anastasia created, not only for herself but for us to live happy and to know our strengths and shine as we once did before!!

It's hard to keep track of all the insights of these books and it makes me very happy to share them with all of you.


Lady Light.


  1. So glad you have found the books. I've read them all. I should say the ones that have been translated into English. Nine books I've read but there's one that Valdimir has just written recently that hasn't been translated yet.

    Thank you for your post. I must say it's been a while since I've read book 2 and you have re-reminded me of thoughts I had as I read it and some of your own insights.

    Namaste to you,


  2. I love these books too! Have you been to a ringing cedars workshop? I'm thinking of going to the one in LA this month! Love & Light, Bella
